Folsom Research, Inc. Monday, May 1, 2000 Revision 1.40 The information in this document may change at the discretion of Folsom Research, Inc. VFC-2100/2200 Software Upgrade Instructions ________ Overview The VFC-2100/2200 units built by Folsom Research, Inc. incorporate the system software in a Flash memory component. Flash memory allows easy upgrades without the need to send the unit back to the factory due to software changes. The loader utility provides the capability to update the system Flash module with the latest revision of software. The upgrade utility can be run from a hard drive (recommended) or a floppy drive. Running the loader from a floppy drive is discouraged though due to the slow speeds associated with disk access. _____________________ Hardware Requirements * IBM compatible computer with an available COM port * Serial cable conforming to EIA RS-232 specifications (i.e. Standard Modem cable) (The cable should have a DB-25 male connector on one end) * VFC-2100/2200 unit _____________________ Software Requirements * Window 95/98/NT * Flash File Loader * VFC-2100/2200 Software files The Flash File Loader and Software files can be downloaded from our FTP site as described below. _____________________________ Connecting to Folsom Research Folsom Research's FTP site address is: If you are using an FTP client, logon to our site using "anonymous" for the user name and your email address as the password (ex. If you are using a web browser to access our FTP site, point the browser to: ___________________________ Downloading Necessary Files Flash File Loader Directory Location:\products\video\loader File to download: "loader install.exe" VFC-2100/2200 Software Files For the VFC-2100: Directory Location:\products\video\vfc2100 File to download: "ldrxxxxx.exe", where xxxxx is the version number (ex. "ldr10707.exe") For the VFC-2200: Directory Location:\products\video\vfc2200 File to download: "ldrxxxxx.exe", where xxxxx is the version number (ex. "ldr12827.exe") The ldrxxxxx.exe file is a self-extracting file that contains the necessary software files and script file needed to update the VFC unit. These files must be placed in the directory containing the loader program. ________________________________ Installing the Flash File Loader Before installing the Flash File Loader, it is recommended that all running programs be properly shut down. 1) Click on the Start button and select Run. 2) Click on the Browse button and locate the "loader install.exe" file on your hard drive. 3) Double click on this file and then click OK to start the installation process. 4) Follow the on screen instructions to complete the install of the Loader utility. ___________________________________________ Extracting the VFC-2100/2200 Software Files 1) Click on the Start button and select Run. 2) Click on the Browse button and locate the "ldrxxxxx.exe" file on your hard drive. 3) Double click on this file and then click OK to start the file extraction process. 4) The WinZip Self-Extractor program window will be displayed. 5) In the "Unzip to Folder" field, type in the location of the loader program. 6) Click on the Unzip button to extract the files. Note: The default directory is set to "C:\Program Files\Loader" due to the fact that this is the default installation directory for the Loader program. ______________________________________ Starting the Flash File Loader Utility After the loader has been installed and the Software files placed in the loader directory, the Flash File Loader can be selected to run. 1) Click on the Start button and select Programs. 2) Find the Folsom Research folder and select Flash File Loader. After the loader has started running, you can learn more about its operation by going to the Help menu and selecting Help Topics. _________________________________ Preparing to Upgrade the VFC Unit 1) Plug the DB-25 male connector into the port labeled "Serial Control" on the back of the VFC-2100/2200 unit. 2) Make sure the other end of the cable is attached to the available COM port on the back of the computer performing the upgrade. 3) In the loader program, click on the Configuration Menu and select RS232 Setup. 4) In the Communication Settings window, select the COM port the VFC is attached to by clicking in the Serial Port field. 5) The VFC defaults to a baud rate of 38.4K. The Baud Rate field should reflect this. 6) Once this is done, click on the Save button to go back to the main loader screen. __________________________________________________________ Verifying Communications between the Computer and VFC Unit 1) In the loader program, click on the Program menu and select Terminal Window. 2) A terminal window will open. Several status lights are shown at the bottom of the window as well as the communication settings in the lower left corner of the window. 3) Hold down the ON/+ key on the VFC front panel and turn the VFC unit on. 4) After a few seconds, the VFC will display "UPLOAD NEW PROGRAM FILES?" on the LCD screen. 5) Press the ON/+ key twice to go into Upload mode. The RS-232 PORT MENU will be displayed on the LCD screen. 6) Back at the Terminal window, the CTS and DSR status lights should be RED. The VFC loader banner should also be displayed in the window. Pressing the enter key a couple of time will allow the loader prompt to be displayed on the screen as well. 7) If the CTS and DSR status lights are GREEN then check the communication settings in the loader and verify the COM port is correct and the communication parameters match with what is displayed in the RS-232 PORT MENU on the VFC unit. 8) If any of the communication parameters are changed within the loader, it is recommended that the VFC unit be powered down and the verification process started over. _______________________________ Uploading Files to the VFC Unit 1) Once communications have been established and verified, click on the Start File Upload button to begin the upgrade process. 2) The RED box next to this button will turn GREEN and two progress bars will show the status of the upload. 3) After several minutes, the loader utility will inform the user that the process is complete. 4) Once this is done, you must power down the VFC unit and turn it back on for the software to take effect. You can also close the loader utility at this time. 5) Verify the new software is in the system by looking for the version number on the VFC unit during system initialization. ________ NOTICE 1: The following applies to those units which are upgrading from a version prior to 108.08. N1.A) After the VFC unit initializes, the following menu will appear: -------------------- |SET BOARD REV'S | | BOARD A rev< >| | BOARD B rev< >| | REBOOT <+>| -------------------- N1.B) Press the OFF/- key to change the letter displayed in the BOARD A field. (see below) N1.C) Pressing the ITEM Down key will advance the cursor to the BOARD B field. N1.D) Once in the BOARD B field, press the OFF/- key until the correct letter is shown. (see below) N1.E) Press the ITEM Down key to advance to the REBOOT field. N1.F) Before going to step N1.G, verify the BOARD fields have the correct letter. N1.G) Press the ON/+ key to reboot the system. **************************************************************************************** * BOARD REV CODES * * * *For the following serial numbers: 107, 109, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 119, 120, 121, 122,* * 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129 * * * * * *Set BOARD A field to "C". * *Set BOARD B field to "C". * * * * * *For the following serial numbers: 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 142,* * 145, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 159, 163 * * * * * *Set BOARD A field to "D". * *Set BOARD B field to "C". * * * *For all other serial numbers, please consult with the factory before performing the * *upgrade. * **************************************************************************************** For all upgrades beyond 108.08, the VFC unit will retain the board Rev Codes so that the user will not have to perform steps N1.A - N1.G again.