What's New in FSN Series Switcher Software Version 08.06.04 Copyright (c) 2016 by Barco Inc. All Rights Reserved. Thank you for using the FSN Series Switcher. This What's New file contains important information regarding this release. Barco Inc. strongly recommends that you read the entire document. Barco Inc. welcomes your comments and suggestions. Please use the information provided in this file to contact Customer Service or Technical Support. Note: When printing this document, choose Landscape for page orientation. ___________________ WHAT'S IN THIS FILE - Important Notes - New Features - Improved Functionality - Installation - Contacting Barco Inc. ************************** Version 08.06.04 ********************************** ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - Fixed several potential lockup conditions ***************************** Version 08.05.09 ************************************ ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - Fixed several potential lockup conditions ***************************** Version 08.04.03 ************************************ ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - Fixed potential console lockup condition when using TBar. - Fixed potential console lockup condition when using menu shortcut buttons in transition panel. ***************************** Version 08.04.01 ************************************ ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - Fixed a potential condition in which the FSN-150 could freeze when used in conjunction with RCP-120 AUX Panels. ***************************** Version 08.03.00 ************************************ _______________ IMPORTANT NOTES - After upgrading the FSN to this software release, it is required that any RCP-120 devices that need to connect to the FSN Controller be upgraded to release 1.29 or above. Refer to Chapter 7 "Updating Software" in the RCP-120 User's Guide for instructions on upgrading your RCP-120 to this release of software. ____________ NEW FEATURES - Support added for R9004729 (FSN3G-2002) and R9004730 (FSN3G-2004) Configurations The FSN-1400 ships with the System and Mixer/Effects cards pre-installed in the chassis. Additional cards are added to the FSN-1400 to meet the specific application requirements. In addition to the user defined custom configurations, the FSN-1400 is available from the factory in 2 new pre-configured models: FSN3G-2002 : FSN-1400 with 1xNIC, 6xUIC, 2xDVE, MVR, 1xUOC, 1xNAC FSN3G-2004 : FSN-1400 with 1xNIC, 6xUIC, 2xDVE, MVR, 2xUOC ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - Fixed various issues related to the console "freezing" during use. - Fixed issue where a Preset Recall on widescreen was only recalling to the first output and not all outputs. - Knob sensitivity increased in “Software update”, and “Backup / Restore” menus when scrolling through files in USB drive. - Fixed RCP panel(s) configuration not recalled on startup. - Fixed Ethernet connection issue on the FSN-1400 frame with respect to a timeout issue that could possibly hang the FSN-150 console. Possible causes included fast joystick movements and knob turns or other multiple actions on the control panel. - Fixed issue where if operating ME1 with manual transitions and left T-bar at one end and then switched to ME2 and left T-bar at the opposite end, then when switching back to ME-1 a Cut would occur immediately when operating the T-bar. - Fixed issue where when exiting Diags menu with LED pixel test on, it would leave an extra line of pixels turned on in the displays. ******************************** Version 08.00.16 ************************************** _______________ IMPORTANT NOTES - After updating the FSN-150 with this release, the Software menu will show the "Update Touch Screen" button in addition to the "Update FSN-1400" button. Be sure to upgrade both the touch screen and FSN-1400 to ensure proper operation. ____________ NEW FEATURES - NIC 3G Level B Support For native 3G input sources, the NIC will now accept Level B signals. By default, the NIC is setup to only process Level A 3G inputs. To configure the NIC to accept Level B 3G sources; 1) Enter the System --> Input setup menu. 2) Select any NIC input on the card that needs to process Level B and make sure it is highlighted with a yellow box. 3) Select "NIC Card SDI Mode" on the bottom menu row and choose "Level A/B". At this point a message will show informing the user that the NIC card is about to be reprogrammed. 4) Press "Setup NIC Card" to complete the process. After a few seconds, the reprogramming will be complete and you can proceed to setup your NIC inputs as normal. Note: When the FSN is in this mode, the NIC card supports a maximum number of 6 inputs. Input 1 - 3 and Inputs 5 - 7 will be available for use and will support either Level A or Level B as required. To make all 8 inputs available for use, change the "NIC Card SDI Mode" back to "Level A". Note: The NIC card mode has no impact on non-3G input processing, other than to disable Inputs 4 and 8 when set to "Level A/B" mode. ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - NIC inputs would show incorrect colors when the FSN Native format was set to 1280x720p or 1920x1080psF. This issue has been corrected in this release. - When the FSN Native format was set to 1920x1080psF, the system would report that it could not Genlock to an external sync. This issue has been corrected in this release. *********************************** Version 07.50.03 **************************************** _______________ IMPORTANT NOTES - After pressing the "UPDATE FSN-1400" button to update the Frame, the pop-up showing the update is in progress may take 25 - 30 minutes to clear depending on the number of installed processing cards in the FSN Frame. This behavior is normal due to the number of files that need to be updated to make the Frame support Native 3G formats. Once this pop-up clears, your system is fully updated and ready for operation. ____________ NEW FEATURES - Native 3G Format Support 3G Output formats (noted below) can now be selected for use as the FSN-1400's Native Output format. 1920x1080p@50 1920x1080p@59.94 BarcoLink @50 BarcoLink @59.94 SMPTE 2K@50 SMPTE 2K@59.94 - 3G Support for UIC and UOC UIC's (P/N: R9004631 - FSN-1400 Universal Input Card) and UOC's (P/N: R9004632 - FSN-1400 Universal Output Card) now support 3G SDI formats. The new format selections are: 1920x1080p@50 1920x1080p@59.59 BarcoLink @50 BarcoLink @59.94 BarcoLink @60 SMPTE 2K@50 SMPTE 2K@59.94 - RCP-120 support for Custom functions and User Defined AUX input selections In the SYSTEM --> MAP BUTTONS menu, an operator can define lists for FSN Custom functions or Input selections that can then be assigned to an RCP-120 panel. These lists are then selected for use by an RCP-120 in the SYSTEM --> OTHER SETUP --> ASSIGN REMOTE PANELS menu. In the SYSTEM --> OTHER SETUP --> ASSIGN REMOTE PANELS menu, discovered RCP-120's can be assigned as an AUX type or a CUSTOM type via the "Assign" pop-up menu. When AUX type is selected, the operator will first decide which AUX output the RCP-120 will control. Then in the main ASSIGN REMOTE PANELS menu, press the "Button Map" to choose between "Standard" or one of four "User" lists. If "Standard" is selected, the RCP-120 will follow the FSN Controller Input Button mapping. If "User #" is selected, the RCP-120 will follow the User Defined list made in the SYSTEM --> MAP BUTTONS menu. When CUSTOM type is selected, the RCP-120 can be configured to follow the Custom, M/E 1 Key or M/E 2 Key Custom bus as mapped on the FSN controller. If this is not desired, a user defined Custom list can be selected. This list is defined in the SYSTEM --> MAP BUTTONS menu. - Dual FSN-150 Controller Support The FSN system now supports multiple FSN-150 controllers on the same network. This is useful for a redundant back-up solution or when you want two operators to have control over a particular M/E (see M/E and PGM Bus Lockout below). During operation, each controller will update as required to show the current system state. However, items stored solely on the controller will not be pushed to the second controller in the event they are changed. Presets and Source Names are an example of this. Before working with the second controller, it is advised that all show requirements are setup on the first controller. This setup is then restored to the second controller to ensure the controllers are running in a matched configuration. To setup two controllers on an FSN Network, perform the following steps: 1) Connect FSN Controller 1 and FSN Controller 2 to the FSN network. 2) Only turn on FSN Controller 1 and the FSN Frame at this time. 3) Perform a Factory Reset after FSN Controller 1 connects to the FSN Frame. 4) Completely setup the FSN system per your show requirements, including Presets. 5) Backup this FSN setup to a USB stick. 6) Once the backup is complete, go to the System-->Com Setup menu and change the FSN-150 Ethernet 1 IP address to something other than default and which does not conflict with any other devices connected to this network (i.e. 7) After changing the IP Address of the controller, press the Discover FSN-1400 button to reconnect the FSN Controller 1 to the FSN Frame. 8) Now turn on FSN Controller 2 and wait for it to boot and connect to the FSN Frame. 9) Insert the USB stick backup from Controller 1 and perform a Restore to Controller 2. 10) At this point FSN Controller 1 and FSN Controller 2 can be used to control the FSN Frame. 11) If any connection issues are encountered verify the two controllers have different IP addresses and reboot the controllers and FSN Frame. - M/E and PGM Bus Lockout In the SYSTEM --> USER PREF menu, the PGM, M/E 1 or M/E 2 bus can be independently disabled or enabled for use on the FSN controller. By default, all buses are enabled. When disabled, all input and transition button / T-Bar selections are non-functional. ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - RCP-120 Master IP Address Status A new cyan status indicator color has been added to the "Assign Remote Panel" table "Status" column, which informs the operator that any given RCP-120 on the Network does not have the "Master IP Address" set to match the IP address of the FSN Controller. Under this condition, the FSN Controller will update the RCP-120's "Master IP Address" at the time an "AUX" or "CUSTOM" assignment is made. Important Note: For this status indication to work correctly, the RCP-120 must be running Firmware 1.26 or higher. ************************************* Version 06.00.01 ******************************************* ____________ NEW FEATURES - RCP-120 Remote Control Panel Support The Remote Control Panel (P/N: R9004670) integrates auxiliary FSN System function control into a convenient 12 button 1RU panel. General features include: - 12 buttons with integrated graphical displays for electronic labeling - Ethernet connectivity to the FSN Network - 19” Rack mountable - Support for up to 32 panels per FSN System - Integrated web interface for quick panel setup and configuration Refer to "26-1004000-00 Rev##_##, RCP-120 Users Guide.pdf" for more information on using this product with the FSN Switcher. ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - The behavior of the "SEL" key to the right of the M/E Key source bus can now be modified to select only between Key 1 & Key 2 or between Key 1, Key 2 and Custom. Go to the SYSTEM --> USER PREF menu and select either "Custom M/E1 Button" or "Custom M/E2 Button". When ON, the "SEL" button will select between all three options. When OFF (default), only Key 1 or Key 2 can be selected with this button. ************************************** Version 05.00.04 ******************************************* ____________ NEW FEATURES - Still Stores The FSN now has the ability to store or recall up to 100 still frames. Captured frames are stored locally in the FSN-1400 and all 100 are available for immediate "live" use. Recalls can be performed into any M/E or AUX output by way of up to three live buffers mapped as inputs. The input still buffers can be selected manually in the Program or Preset bus of a given M/E or can be recalled automatically with Memory registers. To use this feature, start by mapping "live" Still Buffers 1, 2 and/or 3 to any available Input button. This can be done in the System --> Map Buttons --> Inputs menu. After selecting an input button in the table, press "MAP" at the bottom of this menu and select "OTHER". The list presented will allow for STILL FRAME BUFFER 1, 2 or 3 to be chosen. If the system has a Multiviewer installed (P/N: R9004635), any of the Multiviewer PIPs can be assigned to monitor the "live" Still Buffers mapped to Input buttons. To Capture still frames, open the "STILLS" menu on page one of the menu selection bar. At the bottom of this menu, make sure the "MENU MODE" is set to "CAPTURE". Next to this button is the "ASSIGN CAPTURE SOURCE". Press this and select where to capture from. Selections include any mapped sources, M/E or AUX Outputs, Test Patterns and Color Backgrounds. Next, select one of the 100 locations in which to store the frame. When selected, the location will be highlighted with a yellow border. When "CAPTURE STILL" is selected, a frame of video will be captured into the location selected. If "AUTO ADVANCE" is ON, the next available empty location will be automatically selected, ready for the next capture. If one of the three "live" still buffers is selected at the top of the menu, this live buffer will be immediately updated with the still just captured. While in the Capture mode, any selected Still can be individually named or deleted. In addition, a Delete All can be performed to quickly clear all stored stills. If a destructive erase is required, use the Erase All selection. Please note that the Erase All function can take over five minutes to complete. To recall a still store into any of the three live still buffers, change the "Menu Mode" to "Recall". Next, select one of the still buffers at the top of the menu. When this is highlighted, select from any of the 100 locations that have a saved still store. When a still is selected, it will be immediately copied to the selected live still buffer. For stills that were captured from interlaced sources, the "Recall Mode" button will allow a "Field 1" or "Field 2" selection to eliminate motion artifacts between the two fields. Select "Frame" to maintain the full frame resolution of the still. Naming and Deleting individual still stores can be done from this menu mode as well. Memory Registers can store and recall the state of the three live still buffers. Use the "STILLS" module key in the memory section of the controller to include or eliminate the storage or recall of the live still buffers in the memory register. Use the Enables within the Memory menu to manipulate the storage or recall of individual live buffers. - Chroma Key In addition to Luma and Linear keying, the FSN can now be configured to do Chroma Keying on any available Keyer. For general information on working with the Keyers in FSN, refer to Chapter 7, Working with Keys, in the users guide. To enable Chroma Keying, start by going to the Keys menu on page one of the menu selection bar (or press and hold any active "Key" button on the controller). Verify the Keyer to change is highlighted in the table. Press the "Type" button at the bottom of the menu and select "Chroma". For the source currently being used by the Keyer, the next step is to Pick a Hue color that will be removed from the source and replaced by the background. The quickest way to do this is by pressing the "PICK HUE" button. When pressed, a cross-hair with a box in the center will appear in the preview output of the M/E. Use the Joystick to move the cross-hair around the screen until the box is centered on the color to key out. Then press "GRAB HUE". Pressing "CANCLE" next to the "GRAB HUE" button will exit the PICK HUE mode without selecting a color. After selecting a Hue color to key out, it may be necessary to make additional adjustments to improve the look of the overall compositing effect. When "Adjust Chroma" is selected in the Keyer Menu, the knobs adjust the following: Chroma Clip - This is an angle, centered around the Hue color. Any color inside this angle will be fully keyed out. Chroma Ramp - This is an angle, also centered around the Hue color. It must be equal to or larger than the Chroma Clip angle. Inside the Chroma Ramp angle, the colors keyed out ramp linearly the closer the foreground color approaches the Chroma Clip angle. Outside the Chroma Ramp angle, the foreground colors are not suppressed. Opacity - This allows the key source to become increasingly transparent with respect to the background source. Hue - Selects the color to be removed or keyed out of the input. While this can be manually adjusted with the knob, the "PICK HUE" feature will change this number as well. When "Spill Shadow Hilight" is selected in the Keyer Menu, the knobs adjust the following: Spill - This will remove unwanted “key” color on the foreground object which is generally a result of reflection from the (green or blue screen) background. Chroma Shadow - This will allow shadows to be preserved or removed in the foreground image. Hilight - The opposite of “Chroma Shadow” this will allow highlights to be preserved or removed in the foreground image. When "Sat. Clip Gain" is selected in the Keyer Menu, the knobs adjust the following: Sat. Clip - Defines the threshold along the Saturation axis where keying begins. Below the clip threshold, the colors are not keyed out. Above the clip threshold, the colors follow the results of Chroma Clip and Gain but depend on the Saturation Gain setting as this creates a linear key color strength ramp in the key area. Sat. Gain - Defines the transition along the saturation axis between keying off and keying on. - Custom Buttons The eight custom buttons at the top of the FSN-150 controller can now be modified to perform various controller functions. In addition, the M/E Key source input bus can now be selected to be a custom bus. This is done with the "SEL" key to the right of the M/E Key source bus. With this functionality enabled, a total of 48 custom buttons can be defined with any one of the following functions: Transition Functions All Trans, All Cut, M/E 1 Trans, M/E 1 Cut, M/E 2 Trans, M/E 2 Cut, PGM Trans, PGM Cut, AUX Trans, AUX Cut, M/E 1 Mix Key 1, M/E 1 Cut Key 1, M/E 2 Mix Key 1, M/E 2 Cut Key 1, PGM Mix DSK, PGM Cut DSK System Funtions Save All, Freeze, UnFreeze, M/E 2 CTRL, DSK FX Trigger Memory Register Recalls Any saved memory register can be assigned to a custom button. To modify the Custom Buttons, open the System --> Map Buttons --> Customs menu. At the bottom of the menu, use the "BUS" button to select between "Custom" (the eight buttons at the top of the controller), "M/E 1" or "M/E 2". Next, select the button to be modified in the table. Then select between "Map Trans", "Map Memory Recall" or "Map System Function" to open a pop-up and assign the desired function to this button. Once a button is defined for a particular function, use the "Name" button at the bottom of the menu to change the default name that shows in the display above the physical button. A unique description can also be entered by pressing the "Description" button at the bottom of the menu. "Un-map Button" and "Un-map All" functions can be executed as well to quickly clear the custom button definitions. Memory registers will store or recall the current state of all defined Custom Buttons based on the "CUST" memory module being selected in the Memory Panel. Individual Enables can select or deselect the "Custom Bus", "M/E1 Key Bus", or "M/E2 Key Bus" to further refine what is stored or recalled. - 3G Support for Universal Output Card and Multiviewer Card UOC's (P/N: R9004632 - FSN-1400 Universal Output Card) and MVR's (P/N: R9004635 - FSN-1400 Multiviewer Card) now support 3G SDI Output Formats. The new format selections are: 1920x1080p@50 1920x1080p@59.59 - Remote Control Commands for FSN-150 Starting with this release, users can now remotely recall Memory Registers and perform a global Auto Trans via an Ethernet connection to the FSN-150. Refer to the FSN-150 Controller Protocol Specification document included in this bundle for more information. ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - Release 04.00 would not allow an operator to select the DVE Strobe mode within the Advanced DVE setup menu. This issue has been resolved in this release. ********************************** Version 04.00.00 *************************************** _______________ IMPORTANT NOTES - For more information concerning the New Features in this release, please watch our FSN Release 4 Features video, available on the Barco website or on the FTP site at ftp://ftp.folsom.com/Image Processing/FSN/Training/Release 4 Features Video/ ____________ NEW FEATURES - Widescreen Support with UOCs (P/N: R9004632 - FSN-1400 Universal Output Card) Using one, two or three UOCs and the new Widescreen Setup menu, 2 x 1 (W x H), 3 x 1, 1 x 2, 2 x 2 or 3 x 2 blended widescreens can be setup and manipulated via the FSN-150 controller. In addition to the screen configuration, Overlap Size (both Positive or Negative), Edge Feathering Gamma and individual output screen color correction can be specified by the user. The "linked" channels in the Widescreen are controlled in the AUX Panel. Depending on the AUX Mixer definition (see below), a user can "Preview" a widescreen source in the Multiviewer before taking the source to Program. Direct transitions to Program can be achieved as well. Multiviewer PIPs setup to monitor the widescreen will show area of interest markers, the data inside of which represents the final widescreen output. - AUX Output Mixers Depending on the AUX Output (AUX 1 - 6 in Slot 8, UOCs or NACs), one of four AUX types can be selected based on the requirements of the application. Standard (Can be selected for any AUX output) Aux outputs of this type immediately cut to the source selected. Mixer (UOC and NAC Outputs Only) For UOC outputs, the physical output channel is the Program output of the mixer. Preview for the UOC Output mixer can be setup in the Multiviewer and/or simply mapped to an AUX Destination button. When the "Preview" destination is selected, the user can route the next source before taking that source to Program. "All Trans" or "Aux Trans" selections will initiate the transition of the preview source to program. For NAC outputs, Program is automatically mapped to the ODD connector while Preview is mapped to the EVEN connector. Connector pairs are always "1 and 2" or "3 and 4" or "5 and 6" or "7 and 8". The Multiviewer can also be setup to monitor the Program/Preview pair if desired. When the "Preview" destination is selected, the user can route the next source before taking that source to Program. "All Trans" or "Aux Trans" selections will initiate the transition of the preview source to program. Mixer - PGM (NAC Only) In this configuration, physical NAC output pairs are both "Program" outputs in the event two display devices need to be driven with the same program output. Preview can still be mapped to an AUX destination and setup in the Multiviewer if desired. When a transition is initiated, the source in preview will transition to the pair of program outputs. PGM/PVW (AUX 1 - 6 in Slot 8 and NAC Outputs Only) For AUX 1 - 6 or NAC outputs, the physical output channel is the Program output of the mixer. Preview for these outputs can be setup in the Multiviewer and/or simply mapped to an AUX Destination button. When the "Preview" destination is selected, the user can route the next source before taking that source to Program. "All Trans" or "Aux Trans" selections will initiate a CUT only of the preview source to program. - Box Wipes Nine Box Wipe patterns have been added to the Wipe menu. Eight of the patterns start at fixed locations relative to the edge of the final output. The nineth pattern defaults at the center of the output but can be given a custom start position and aspect ratio using adjustments made within the Wipe menu. - Native SD Anamorphic Support Within the Native Output Format list, NTSC Anamorphic and PAL Anamorphic selections can be made. When used, the FSN will assume that Native Inputs are 16:9 aspect ratio sources at standard SD timing. The Multiviewer Windows will automatically size themselves appropriatly to show the anamorphic content at the proper aspect ratio. Under this condition, Native Outputs will continue to provide the anamorphic content unmodified to the display. Depending on the desired requirements, NTSC Anamorphic and PAL Anamorphic selections can also be made independently within the UIC and UOC. ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - Multiviewer Output Format selection has been expanded to include 1920x1080i@50 and 1920x1080i@59.94. ********************************** Version 03.01.01 *************************************** _______________ IMPORTANT NOTES - When upgrading from 02.05.00 to this release, once the FSN-150 has been restarted and shows 03.01.01 in the System menu, the next step is to "Update Touch Screen" in the Software submenu. After the Touch Screen has been updated, press "Update FSN-150 Flash" in the Software submenu. After FSN-150 flash is updated, press "Update FSN-1400". Proceed with this process and when prompted, restart the FSN-1400 Frame. The controller will now show an "Initializing" popup menu. This process will take between 10 - 15 minutes to complete. If power is lost during this time, the "Initializing" process will start again automatically once power is restored. After this process is finished, proceed with normal system operation. ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - External DSK Inputs External DSK Cut and Fill inputs are now fully functional when running the FSN-1400 SD native resolutions. ********************************** Version 03.00.03 *************************************** _______________ IMPORTANT NOTES - When upgrading from 02.05.00 to this release, once the FSN-150 has been restarted and shows 03.00.03 in the System menu, the next step is to "Update Touch Screen" in the Software submenu. After the Touch Screen has been updated, press "Update FSN-150 Flash" in the Software submenu. After FSN-150 flash is updated, press "Update FSN-1400". Proceed with this process and when prompted, restart the FSN-1400 Frame. The controller will now show an "Initializing" popup menu. This process will take between 10 - 15 minutes to complete. If power is lost during this time, the "Initializing" process will start again automatically once power is restored. After this process is finished, proceed with normal system operation. ____________ NEW FEATURES - Universal Output Card Functionality Control When installed in slots 11, 12 or 13 (P/N: R9004632 - FSN-1400 Universal Output Card), this software release adds control for UOC functionality in the FSN Switcher. Features of this option card include: - Two Identical, Independent Processing Channels assignable as AUX Outputs - Converts Native Format Video from the FSN, up or down, to DVI, Analog and/or SMPTE SDI outputs - Full PAN/ZOOM to select the Area of Interest - Display Window Size and Position Adjustments - Masking Adjustments - Color Correction - Output Format Timing Adjustments - M/E 2 Control With the FSN-150, M/E 2 can now be controlled by first selecting the "M/E2 CTRL" function in the Custom Control Section above the AUX Section. Once enabled, the M/E Bank will control M/E 2 with all the same features and functionality of M/E 1. As an indication that M/E 2 is being controlled, the backlight on the Programmable Displays in the M/E Bank will turn orange. By default, the video flow is set for M/E 1 to M/E 2. To change this default, go to the SYSTEM --> OTHER menu. Use SYSTEM --> MAP BUTTONS to assign M/E 1 PGM or M/E 2 PGM reentry points to any of the available input buttons or the M/E button next to the SHIFT key. - Universal Input Card Setup Adjustments The "Sizing and Scaling" adjustments in the UIC setup menu have been expanded to provide complete control of the Input Window Size and Position along with full PAN and ZOOM control. - External DSK Frame Synchronizers External DSK Cut and Fill signals may now be unlocked with respect to the FSN-1400 video reference when running at native HD resolutions. When setting the FSN-1400 to SD native resolutions, use the NIC inputs for any required External DSK Cut and Fill applications. This restriction will be removed in a future release. - Additional Native Formats (Progressive Segmented Frame) - 1920x1080psF @ 23.98 - 1920x1080psF @ 24 - 1920x1080psF @ 25 - 1920x1080psF @ 29.97 ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - TRANS Menu In the Transition menu, soft buttons have been added at the bottom to allow transitions to be executed directly from within this menu. ********************************** Version 02.05.00 *************************************** _______________ IMPORTANT NOTES - When upgrading from 02.00.02 to this release, once the FSN-150 has been restarted and shows 02.05.00 in the System menu, the next step is to "Update Touch Screen" in the Software submenu. After the Touch Screen has been updated, press "Update FSN-150 Flash" in the Software submenu. After FSN-150 flash is updated, press "Update FSN-1400". Proceed with this process and when prompted, restart the FSN-1400 Frame. The controller will now show an "Initializing" popup menu. This process will take between 10 - 15 minutes to complete. If power is lost during this time, the "Initializing" process will start again automatically once power is restored. After this process is finished, proceed with normal system operation. ____________ NEW FEATURES - Multiviewer When installed in slot 11 (P/N: R9004635 - FSN-1400 Multiviewer Card), this software release adds control for a 16 channel multiviewer in the FSN Switcher. Features of this option card include: - Single screen and Dual screen layouts - 16 channel monitoring of any input or output signal in the FSN-1400 - LTC clock display - DVI and SDI outputs - Aux output controls AUX Menu - Show Aux Name and Source information for 30 AUXs. AUX Setup Menu - Map AUX to Panel - Map AUX to Menu - AUX Naming - Unassign AUX - NAC / UOC Graphical Slot status Output Test Pattern Menu - Test Pattern Selection on AUX outputs. AUX 1 thru 30 Enables within the AUX module in the Memory Menu. Tally Menu, additional support for up to 30 AUXs. - NAC can be installed in slots 11 thru 13 instead of slot 13 only ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - Memory system STORE and RECALL button behavior is changed such that the current state remains in effect until the user decides to change that state, which can only be done by pressing the STORE or RECALL buttons. Whenever ENTER is pressed in the memory panel, the state of STORE or RECALL will remain in the active state so that subsequent store or recall functions can be quickly performed again. All other current functionality of the memory panel when either STORE or RECALL is enabled will remain unchanged. ********************************** Version 02.00.02 *************************************** _______________ IMPORTANT NOTES - When upgrading from 01.00.01 to this release, once the FSN-150 has been restarted and shows 02.00.02 in the System menu, the next step is to "Update FSN-1400" in the Software submenu. Proceed with this process and when prompted, restart the FSN-1400 Frame. The controller will now show an "Initializing" popup menu. This process will take between 10 - 15 minutes to complete. If power is lost during this time, the "Initializing" process will start again automatically once power is restored. After this process is finished, proceed with normal system operation. ____________ NEW FEATURES - 2D-DVE Functionality Control When installed in slots 9 and/or 10 (P/N: R9004634 - FSN-1400 2-D DVE Card), this software release adds control for 2D-DVE functionality in the FSN Switcher. Features of this option card include: - Two Identical, Independent Processing Channels assignable to any Keyer - Scaling (Static and Dynamic) - PIP Borders, Drop Shadows - Crop and Mask Effects - Color Effects - Image Flip, Strobe and Freeze Effects - Native Aux Card (NAC) Control When installed in slot 13 (P/N: R9004633 - FSN-1400 NAC), this software release adds control for the eight channels of Native Outputs provided by this option card. The outputs are accessible via the AUX Control panel on buttons 7 - 14. Output Test Patterns, Tally and Memory Panel recall are fully supported in this release. - Additional 1080p Native Video Rate Support - 1920x1080p @ 23.98 - 1920x1080p @ 24 - 1920x1080p @ 25 - 1920x1080p @ 29.97 - Video Reference Output In the System-->Ref & Output Setup menu, Reference Output can be selected to be Tri-Level or Black Burst. If necessary, H or V Offset of the Reference Output, relative to Reference Input or the FSN Free Running clock can be adjusted. - Gamma Adjustment available for NIC Inputs In the System-->Input-->Setup menu, Gamma can now be adjusted for any NIC Input. - Ancillary Data support added for SD-SDI Video Sources Ancillary data contained in SD-SDI video sources on a NIC will be preserved when that source is routed to any FSN native aux output. - Additional Output Test Pattern A new output test pattern "SMPTE BARS" has been added for selection in the output test pattern menu. This pattern follows the standard documented in SMPTE Recommended Practice, RP 219-2002. ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - Default Test Pattern names, shown in the programmable displays above the input buttons, after being mapped are as follows: 100% Color Bars = BARS 75% Color Bars = 75CB SMPTE RP-219 = SMPT 16x16 Grid = GRD1 32x32 Grid = GRD2 50% Gray = GRAY Black = BLK Burst = BRST Gray Steps 1 = GRY1 Gray Steps 2 = GRY2 H Ramp = HRMP V Ramp = VRMP White = WHT - Software Upgrade and System Backup/Restore Menus These submenus have been enhanced to support sub-folder navigation and creation to aid in the organization of Software Releases and/or System Backup/Restores as necessary for the operator. ********************************** Version 01.00.01 *************************************** _______________ INITIAL RELEASE - Refer to the FSN Series User's Guide for detailed information about this product. ******************************************************************************************* ____________ INSTALLATION Refer to Chapter 8 "Updating Software" in the User's Guide for instructions on upgrading your FSN Series Switcher system to this release of software. _____________________ CONTACTING BARCO INC. Should you have any comments or questions about this release or any other product, please point your web browser to www.barco.com/events/ for current contact information.