What's New in PDS Software Version 03.08.00 Copyright (c) 2017 by Barco Inc. All Rights Reserved. Thank you for using the PDS. This What's New file contains important information regarding this release. Barco Inc. strongly recommends that you read the entire document. Barco Inc. welcomes your comments and suggestions. Please use the information provided in this file to contact Customer Service or Technical Support. Note: When printing this document, choose Landscape for page orientation. ___________________ WHAT'S IN THIS FILE - Important Notes - New Features - Improved Functionality - Installation - Contacting Barco Inc. ******************************* Version 03.08.00 **************************************** ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - Fixed issue with PDS freezing when sitting idle for a certain period of time. ******************************** Version 03.07.01 *************************************** ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - Corrects "blacking of video" issue seen on preview and program outputs under certain conditions. - Corrects a possible lock up of the system under certain input selection conditions. ******************************** Version 03.05.03 *************************************** ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - Resolved a logo field swap issue when the using an interlaced output resolution. - Fixed a momentary pop to black on program that could occur when quickly switching between inputs. - Under certain conditions, the preview output would go black and was corrected only with a power cycle. This issue has been resolved in this release. - Under certain conditions, analog outputs at the XGA resolution could show some "noise" artifacts. This issue has been resolved in this release. - Running Diagnostics while the Output Format was interlaced would result in a false failure. This phenomenon was documented in InfoT-1158, dated May 1st, 2014. Starting with this release, Diagnostics of the VXP Output clock will not be executed when the Output Format is interlaced. It is recommended to change the Output to a progressive format before attempting to run Diagnostics. ********************************** Version 03.00.01 ************************************** _______________ IMPORTANT NOTES After loading this software release, the following will be true concerning front panel button definition. 1) The LOGO and BLACK buttons have been combined into a single "LOGO BLACK" button next to the SDI input button. 2) The two Effects buttons next to FRZ will be referred to as PIP 1 and PIP 2 respectively. Included in this distribution is "PDS Keycap Labels.pdf". Print this file as "Actual Size" onto clear transparency film to create new button labels for your PDS units. As an alternative, you can order Barco P/N: R767396K for a complete PDS key cap and label kit. ____________ NEW FEATURES - Matrix Mode Matrix Mode allows two full-screen sources to be displayed separately, one on Preview and one on Program. Sources are transitioned through black if you select a new source. This mode is ideal for use in conference rooms with Click-Share on one side and Teleconference on the other. In Matrix Mode, input sources are routed to the Program and Preview outputs independently. A source does not need to go through Preview before being routed to Program. Outputs are full-screen images only. To use this mode: 1) In the User Preference menu, select "Output Mode" and change the option to "Matrix Mode". The PIP 1 button is assigned to Preview. The PIP 2 button is assigned to Program. 2) Press and hold a PIP button. Select an input source. The pended input source button blinks. 3) Press TAKE to transition to the selected source through black. A pended source overrides the source on Program. After you press TAKE, there are no pending sources. PIP buttons are lit solid for active PIP sources. 4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 to select and transition the second PIP. To cancel a pended source, press and hold the appropriate PIP button. If you select an input source instead of a PIP, that source pends for both PIPs, which can be transitioned on the next Take. - PIP Mode The PDS product line supports displaying one or two PIPs on Program. You can preview and adjust the next PIP state on a Preview monitor. In PIP mode, the Preview output does not display live images. Instead, it shows outlines where the PIPs are located, and each PIP is labeled with the input number. The front panel of the PDS provides a PIP1 button and a PIP2 button. Use these buttons to display one or both PIPs on the Preview output, and to transition one or both to Program. To use this mode: 1) In the User Preference menu, select "Output Mode" and change the option to "PIP". Note: In the event PIPs overlap, PIP 1 will always be higher in Z-order than PIP 2. 2) Press and hold a PIP button. Select an input source. The pended input source button blinks. 3) Press TAKE to transition the PIP from Preview to Program. 4) Use the PIP Adjustment menu to change the size and position of the PIP. 5) After setting up a PIP, you can save the settings to a configuration file, and recall it for later use. Refer to the Users Guide for more information concerning this feature. ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - PDS input switching behavior when configured as an Encore AUX destination has been improved to use configuration files uploaded to PDS from the Encore system. To take advantage of these enhancements, the Encore SC/LC or ScreenPRO-II Controllers will need to be running software version 2.33 or higher. - In Preview and on Program, you can select a black, gray, or custom color background. In addition, you can select a logo as the background on Program. ********************************** Version 02.00.02 *************************************** ____________ NEW FEATURES - Background PDS can now be set up to have independent background control on both Preview and Program outputs. The control for background is in the User Preference submenu. Pgm Background [Black (default), Gray, Logo] Pvw Background [Black (default), Gray] The Logo option for program background is available only when there is a valid saved logo selected. Control of logo selection is in the Logo submenu. The following conditions will cause the Program Background to change from Logo to the default setting of black: - If the output format for main (program) changes to a format that doesn't match the currently selected logo's format - If the logo selection changes to a logo that is "empty" or is a mismatch to the main output's format - Input Fill Mode PDS has the ability to select the input fill mode on a per input basis. The input fill mode control is in the Input->Sizing Adjust submenu. Input Fill [Native (default), Zoom, Stretch] Native - This is the default mode of operation. The input fills the output display such that the aspect ratio is maintained and the input video content edges are preserved. Zoom - The input fills the output display such that the aspect ratio is maintained and no "black bars" are present. Note that in this mode, horizontal or vertical edges of the input video content may be lost. Stretch - The input fills the output display such that the aspect ratio might NOT be maintained, the input video content edges are preserved, and no "black bars" are present. - HDCP output mode control PDS has added HDCP output control. The HDCP output control is in the User Preference->HDCP submenu. Out Pgm(DVI-I) [Off (default), On] Out Pvw(DVI-I) [Off (default), On] - HDCP Status In the User Preference->HDCP submenu, Input and Output Status submenus have been added. The Input Status option indicates whether protected content is being read by each of the HDCP-capable inputs. OK - means that a signal has been detected and HDCP protected content was detected. n/a - means that either there is no signal detected, or HDCP protected content was not detected. The Output Status lists the status for each of the HDCP-capable outputs. OK - means that a device is connected and HDCP authentication was successful. n/a - means that either there is no device connected, or HDCP authentication has failed. ______________________ IMPROVED FUNCTIONALITY - In the Sizing Adjust menu, "H/V Size" has been added. When selected, the original input aspect ratio is maintained throughout the adjustment. - The ability to distinguish between RGB and SMPTE colorspace for analog inputs has been improved with this release. - In addition to accessing the Executive mode from the System menu, a user can now toggle Executive mode on and off with a press and hold of "ESC" + "Input 1" keys on the front panel. - PDS input switching behavior when configured as an Encore AUX destination has been improved. To take advantage of these enhancements, the Encore SC/LC or ScreenPRO-II Controllers will need to be running software version 2.33 or higher. ********************************** Version 01.00.02 *************************************** _______________ INITIAL RELEASE - Refer to the PDS User's Guide for detailed information about this product. ____________ KNOWN ISSUES - When the Preview Output is set to show Program, this physical output will go Black when the Black button is pressed and display the Program source after Black has been taken to Program by pressing the TAKE button. This behavior will be corrected in a future release. ******************************************************************************************* ____________ INSTALLATION Refer to Chapter 6 "Upgrading Firmware" in the User's Guide for instructions on upgrading your PDS system to this release of software. _____________________ CONTACTING BARCO INC. Should you have any comments or questions about this release or any other product, please point your web browser to www.barco.com/events/ for current contact information.